Friday, August 28, 2009

End of Summer 2009

It has been an amazing summer, but unfortunately the end is near. I had a great time this summer, going to all the events and learning so much about Sudbury. I had the opportunity to do things I wouldn't think of doing and I am really excited that I was able to do it. For example I probably wouldn't have went to all the festivals, but this summer I attended more than half of them and I was not disappointed by any of them. I had a great time visiting Science North and Dynamic Earth. I hadn't been to either of those places since I was younger, so it was good to catch up on everything and it was good to see how much they have expanded and added to their facilities. This summer made me realize that Sudbury is a beautiful place to live and has more to offer than people think. I can now say that I love and respect Sudbury much more than I did before. I think more people should go out and experience what Sudbury has to offer, whether it's visiting Science North or attending the festivals and events that go on around the Sudbury area.

Even though the summer is almost over that doesn't mean the fun has to stop! Visit the Sudbury Tourism website to find out what events are taking place during the 2009- 2010 season.

I had a great time blogging about everything I did this summer, unfortunately this will be my last blog for this summer. Thank you for reading and hopefully I will be back next year :)

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